Skid Steer TR48B Trencher Attachment


  • Provides proper auger depth control
  • Easy access into and out of the skid steer
  • Axle design for added strength

Hydraulic Oil Flow  57-167 L/min. (15-44 gpm)
Operating Pressure  232 kg/cm3 (3,300 psi)
Chain Type  2270 kg (50,000 lb)
Chain Pitch  51 mm (2 in)

The Worksite Pro TR48B Trencher Skid Steer Attachment comes with a 48″ boom.  The spring-loaded boom reduces shocks to the hydraulic motor, skid steer or compact track loader, and operator.  Manual side shift conveniently allows trenching close to structures

The TR36B design allows easy entrance and exit from the skid steer or track loader.

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